LocoNet Throttle
We decided the first EmbeddedLocoNet project should be LocoNet Throttle
Here is a glimpse (thanks to David Harris) of what it will probably look like
The design has the following features: (in likely order of implementation - code space permitting)
- 16x2 LCD Display
- Single or Dual control of two locos or consists with the speed & direction control via either:
- Two Rotary Encoders for speed control with Fwd/Rev/Stop on the press click action
- A single rotary POT and SPDT Centre-Off toggle switch for control of a single loco, a bit like a UT1
- A 4x4 keypad for Loco address selection and decoder function operation
- Two LocoNet connectors to allow it to be daisy-chained when the throttle is permanently mounted
- Powered from either:
- External 9V Wall-Wart for permanently mounted use
- LocoNet RailSync - may need to add external 12VDC power via a UP3/5 or UR90
- 9V battery
- Includes 10way header pins for reprogramming the FLASH memory via a simple PC parallel port ISP
(In circuit Serial Programmer) programming cable. For details see:
Cable Programmer
- Infrared tether-less operation via UR90
- Audible Beeper
- Infrared receiver to decode TV/VCR/DVD IR Remote control signals to provide a remote wireless keypad for when the throttle is permanently mounted
Here are some more generated images of the PCBs
A dual rotary encoder throttle
A single pot and toggle switch throttle
A TV/VCR IR remote based throttle and PC RS232 interface
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